Monday, May 30, 2011

Welcome to Toula Bean!

Welcome to Toula Bean. My name is Melanie and I'm a stay at home mom of two beautiful girls. Motherhood has become quite a challenge as my girls have grown from the sweet babies they once were. I never thought being home with them could be so challenging. I worked full-time until about a year ago. I always felt I was missing out on the most important time of their lives. When my company offered a buy out to its employees, my husband and I took a big chance and I left my job. After a year, I still have not settled into a solid routine of being at home. There are many things I thought I would have so much time for, but oddly enough I still find myself running out of time.

I've decided I have wasted enough time trying to find my way and now it's time I start accomplishing my goals. I have many ideas and I am hoping this blog will help motivate me to get busy in obtaining some of them. There are many blogs I read and I love the bonds that can be created in this online community. I love all things craft and cute! I am looking forward to sharing this adventure with you as I try to become a better mom and wife.